Construction has begun on the Riku Writes Museum. That's a picture from last week's groundbreaking ceremony above. The project is due to be completed by June 2010. The museum will feature priceless artifacts from this blog's distant past. Our crack team of archaeologists have done an amazing job....
The restrooms on the mezzanine level here at Riku Writes have been refurbished. Also bidets have been added....
All our gift ships are now fully stocked with the Riku Writes women's hoodies in all sizes. Thanks for your patience...
As you may have noticed we've loosened our restrictions on outside food and drink here at Riku Writes. However the prohibition on gum is being even more strictly enforced. Please take advantage of our receptacles near all entrances....
Riku Writes has received another honor, one we're particularly proud of. We've been named the number one film blog at this URL. Thanks to the staff, this award really belongs to all of us....
The Riku Writes Cafe now features gourmet hamburgers and veggie burgers. The chef says to check em out. Yummy....
I'll be appearing at Ed's Hardware, Dry Goods, Livery Stable & Bookstore in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan this Saturday from 1-5 signing copies of my latest book: "The Agony, The Ecstasy, the Groupies: Film Blogging in the 21st century." Drop by....
Speaking of books, I'd like to recommend "Great Musicals of the Silent Era" by R.D. Finch and Kate Gabrielle's, "Film Making in Colonial America." Both are fantastic....
Once again I'd like to remind everyone to please spay and neuter their pets!
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